Alternatives for our domain name services

You have likely received a report from us summarising any domain name services we currently provide you. If not, please contact us and we can send you that report.

If your report shows that you are not using our DNS nameservers, this means that we are not providing any domain name services to you. So there is nothing here to be concerned about.

However if you are using our nameservers there are three types of service that we may be providing you, and so these will need to be reproduced elsewhere when your domain is transferred.

1. DNS Records

All domain registrars will provide a DNS service. So it will be simply a matter of reproducing your current DNS records on their system (using our Domain Services Report for reference). You should be able to get this done prior to your domain transfer - which will ensure no interruption of your web hosting or email hosting when the switch is made.

2. Email Forwarding

Not many domain registrars offer an email forwarding service. Two that we know of that do are:

You could also consider a third-party source such as:

3. Web Forwarding

If you need web forwarding and this is not offered by your new domain name registrar, then one service that should fit the bill is Redirect Pizza